Thrale history

Name Harry MARKOWITZ Birth Between 1879 and 1880 Russia [1, 2]
Gender Male Occupation Between 30 Jun 1902 and 1920 [3, 4] Tailor working from home Residence 30 Jun 1902 Whitechapel, Middlesex, England [3]
58 Brick LaneOccupation 7 Jul 1903 North Leyton, West Ham, Essex, England [5]
Master Tailor Immigration 1907 USA [4]
Note 1915 Naturalised New York, USA Census 1 Jun 1915 Bronx, Bronx, New York, USA New York census 1915
952 Aldous Street, Bronx, New York, USA.- Harry Markowitz; Father; White; Male; 45; Born England; Years in US: 20; Citizen; Naturalised: NY 1915; Tailor.
- Jane Markowitz; Mother; White; Female: 45; Born England; Years in US: 14; Citizen; Housewife.
- Sydney Markowitz; Son; White; Male; 22; Born England; Years in US: 14; Citizen; General merchant.
- Daniel Markowitz ; Son; Male; White; 19; Born England; Years in US: 14; Citizen; Advertising.
- Betrice Markowitz; Daughter; White; Female; 17; Born England; Years in US: 14; Citizen; Bookkeeper.
- Jessie Markowitz; Daughter; Female; White; 14; Born England; School.
Census 1925 New York, USA Occupation: Tailor Census 1 Apr 1930 Bronx, Bronx, New York, USA Occupation: Designer of coats Address: US census 1930
1015 Gerard Avenue, Bronx, New York, USA.- Harry Markowitz; Head; Rented $115 pcm; has radio; Male; White; 50; Married; Age of marriage 22; Past year not schooled; Literate; Born England; Father born England; Mother born England; Mother tongue English; Immigration 1907; Naturalisation n/a; Speak English yes; Coat designer; Employed yes; Veteran no.
- Jane Markowitz; Wife H; Female; White; 50; Married; Age of marriage 22; Past year not schooled; Literate; Born England; Father born England; Mother born England; Mother tongue English; Immigration 1912; Naturalisation n/a; Speak English yes; Not working.
- Jessie Markowitz; Daughter; Female; White; 19; Single; Past year not schooled; Literate; Born England; Father born England; Mother born England; Mother tongue English; Immigration 1912; Naturalisation n/a; Speak English yes; Secretary; Sporting goods; Speak English yes.
- Daniel Manton; Son (name changed); Male; White; 25; Single; Past year not schooled; Literate; Born England; Father born England; Mother born England; Mother tongue English; Immigration 1912; Naturalisation n/a; Speak English yes; Advertising; Sporting goods; Speak English yes.
Death 6 Jul 1947 Kings, New York, USA [6]
Person ID i1828 UK Thrale family Last Modified 7 Oct 2024
Father Barnett MARKOWITZ Family ID F903 Group Sheet | Family Chart
Family Harry MARKOWITZ, b. Between 1879 and 1880, Russia d. 6 Jul 1947, Kings, New York, USA
(Age 68 years)
Residence 1 Apr 1901 56 Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Middlesex, England Marriage 30 Jun 1902 Great Synagogue, St James Dukes Place, Middlesex, England Marriage certificate
Jane Abrahams and Harry MarkovitchResidence 16 Jan 1905 11 Hobsons Cottages, Whitechapel, Middlesex, London [7]
Residence 29 Dec 1906 122 Brick Lane, Whitechapel, Middlesex, England Residence 21 Aug 1910 25 Wilkes Street, Spitalfields, Middlesex, England Census 1920 Bronx Assembly District 5, Bronx, New York, USA Address:
952 Aldus StreetChildren + 1. Sydney MARKOWITZ / MANTON, b. 7 Jul 1903, North Leyton, West Ham, Essex, England 2. Daniel MARKOWITZ / MANTON, b. 16 Jan 1905, Whitechapel, Middlesex, England + 3. Beatrice MARKOWITZ, b. 29 Dec 1906, Whitechapel, Middlesex, England d. 20 Nov 1969 (Age 62 years)
+ 4. Jessie MARKOWITZ, b. 21 Aug 1910, Spitalfields, Middlesex, England d. USA
5. Abraham MARKOWITZ, b. 21 Aug 1910, London, England d. Sept 1910, London, England
(Age 0 years)
6. Rose MARKOWITZ, b. 21 Aug 1910, London, England d. Sept 1910, London, England
(Age 0 years)
Family ID F902 Group Sheet | Family Chart Last Modified 5 Oct 2024
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Sources - [S28] Marriage certificate.
Aged 23 on 30 June 1902 - [S98] Census - US 1920.
Birth abt 1881 - [S28] Marriage certificate.
- [S98] Census - US 1920.
- [S4] Birth certificate.
Birth certificate of son Sydney - [S89] New York, New York, Death Index, 1862-1948, (New York City Department of Records/Municipal Archives).
Certificate no: 13806. - [S4] Birth certificate, 16 Jan 1905.
Birth certificate of son David
- [S28] Marriage certificate.