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Thraliana entry 23 July 1784 by Hester Lynch Thrale née Salusbury
Hester {her eldest child} did not like the Words to Sacchini’s Song of Torna pure al carobene {“Return to your loved one” or “Return to your dear one”} — so I made Her an Italian Song in the same Measure to sing instead of it.
>D’un amato & fido Cuore
Che languisce nell’ Assenza,
Voi ch’avete l’Isperienza
Scusarete il Palpitar:

Pare Affanno, & par fatica
Consigliere o Arnica;
Calma solo un tal Dolore
L’Aspettato a ritrovar.

It translates as:

Of a loved and faithful heart
That languishes in absence,
You who have experience
Will excuse the palpitations:

It seems like anxiety, and like toil
To a counselor or an ointment;
Only such a pain is soothed
By finding the one who is expected.

Verses "D'un amato & fido Cuore" by Hester Lynch Thrale

Hester Lynch Thrale née Salusbury wrote alternative lyrics to Sacchini’s Song of Torna pure al carobene in 1787. The poem is about the pain of being separated from a loved one. The speaker describes how her heart “languishes” and “palpitates” in the absence of her beloved. She compares the pain to “affanno” (shortness of breath) and “fatica” (fatigue). The only thing that can soothe her pain is the thought of being reunited with her beloved.

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