Thrale history

Gabriel Mario PIOZZI

Gabriel Mario PIOZZI

Male Bef 1740 - 1809  (68 years)

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  • Name Gabriel Mario PIOZZI 
    Birth Bef 8 Jun 1740 
    Gender Male 
    Baptism 8 Jun 1740  [1
    Baptismal sponsor was Signor Giacomo Guadagni 
    Note Feb 1786  Naples, Italy Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Hester Lynch Thrale and Gabriel Piozzi witnessed an eruption from Mount Vesuvius. 
    Verses 'Eruption of Mount Vesuvius' by Hester Lynch Thrale
    Verses "Eruption of Mount Vesuvius" by Hester Lynch Thrale
    Written by Hester Lynch Thrale in Naples, Italy February 1786. Thraliana entry dated 30 June 1786.
    Physical Description 1793 
    Gabriel Mario Piozzi. 1793.
    Gabriel Mario Piozzi
    Painting by George Dance
    Hobbies He played the violin and harpsichord. 
    Note 17 Sep 1803 
    Hester Lynch Thrale wrote in Thraliana …

    A new vault has been constructed under the Altar at Dymerchion for his and my last cold Residence, & narrow Apartment—Poor dear old Lucy Salusbury my admirable Progenetrix & Mother to my Father Was found crumbling in Dust; her Skull only whole, & the Black Ribbon pinned round it, that I suppose bound her head in its last Agony —There was no Act then extant for burying in Woollen. My Father being wrapt in Lead was easily discerned from his Brothers, & dear Mama—as he called her to the Last—They had never found Money to make themselves a Vault, so their poor Bones have been gathered up now by Mr Piozzi, and placed decently in our new Repository, where ours will shortly accompany them no doubt: to the great Joy of all my Daughters who really have now waited my Death so long—They are justified in their Impatience. New Pulpit Cloths—new Reading Desk Bible & Surplices—& a new Brass Chandelier—in Lieu of a Wooden one—are among my present Master’s Donations—beside Slating & Glazing & painting & Whitewashing: & what our Curate Mr Roberts prefers to all—Enlarging his little Church in the Gallery-Part—& we will put up the old curious Cross wch some fools pulled away 40 Years ago— & make all smart and handsome.

    Occupation He was a prolific translator, and he published several translations from Italian into English:
    • 1782: The First Three Cantos of the Inferno of Dante. His first published translation was well-received by critics.
    • 1785: Dante’s Divine Comedy, his most famous translation which is still considered to be one of the best English translations of the Divine Comedy.
    • 1791: The Lyric Poems of Chiabrera was his most ambitious translation project was praised for its accuracy and fluency.
    • 1798: His translation of 19 of Alfieri’s plays, it was considered to be one of the best English translations of Alfieri’s work.
    Occupation Singer and composer 
    Will Piozzi left Hester £6,000, and other legacies to all his brothers. 
    Death 26 Mar 1809  Brynbella, Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Wales Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Cause: Gout, exacerbated by rheumatism. 
    Burial Bach-y-Craig, Denbighshire, Wales Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • Buried on the north side of the family vault.
    Person ID I473  UK Thrale family
    Last Modified 13 Jan 2025 

    Father Domenico PIOZZI   d. Yes, date unknown 
    Mother GIANCOMA   d. Yes, date unknown 
    Residence Bresica, Italy Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Residence Quinzano, Italy Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Residence Venice, Italy Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • There were 14 children
    Family ID F238  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

    Family Hester Lynch SALUSBURY,   b. 16 Jan 1741, Bodvel, Caernarvonshire, Wales Find all individuals with events at this locationd. 2 May 1821, Clifton, Gloucestershire, England Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 80 years) 
    Note 1777 
    They first met at a party hosted by Dr. Charles Burney
    Note Jul 1780 
    Hester Lynch Piozzi wrote in Thraliana whilst in Brighton

    I have picked up Piozzi here, the great Italian singer. He is amazingly like my father. He shall teach Hester.

    Note 8 Aug 1780 
    Hester wrote about Piozzi in Thraliana

    Piozzi is become a prodigious Favourite with me; he is so intelligent a Creature, so discerning, one can’t help wishing for his good Opinion: his Singing surpasses every body’s for Taste, Tenderness and true Elegance; his Hand on the Forte Piano too is so soft, so sweet, so delicate, every Tone goes to one’s heart I think; and fills the Mind with Emotions one would not be without, though inconvenient enough sometimes—l made him sing yesterday, & tho’ he says his Voice is gone, I cannot some how or other get it out of my Ears,—odd enough!

    These were the Verses he sang to me:

    Amor—non sò che sia,
    Ma sò che è un Traditor;
    Cosa è la Gelosia?
    Non l’hò provato ancor.

    La Donna mi vien detto
    Fà molto Sospirar;
    Ed Io poveretto,
    Men’ voglio Innamorar.

    I instantly translated them for him and made him sing them in English thus all’ Improviso:

    For Love—I can’t abide it,
    The treacherous Rogue I know;
    Distrust!—I never tried it
    Whether t’would sting or no:

    For Flavia many Sighs are,
    Sent up by sad Despair:
    And yet poor Simple I Sir
    Am hasting to the Snare.

    Lady Shelley & I shall get him a pretty little Benefit, & he will have ten Guineas from me beside for teaching Hester to sing: his Journey to Brighthelmstone will be a lucky one, he has lost some of his Voice by relaxation,—the Sea will restore it.

    Note 1 Jan 1782 
    Hester wrote in Thraliana

    My Life is every instant in Danger from the Apoplexy which has destroyed my whole Family, & now holds his Club over my Head. May it but strike the blow strong enough to procure my instant Dismission, not leave me stunned & stupefied: a Model of Misery & a Load upon my Successors! Disorders run in Blood I am convinced of it; My Grandfather, my Father—his three Brothers— my Son, all died in less than four Hours from their Seizure; and now my poor Self apparently of an Apoplectick Habit quite apparently; full, red, and Sanguineous. very odd! ay & very shocking! My Face is all over Pimples like a Drunkard,—twere better have a Hump-back.”;

    If nothing of all these Misfortunes however befall me, if for my Sins God should take from me my Monitor, my Friend, my Inmate, my Dear Mr Johnson; if neither I should marry, nor the Brewhouse People break; if the ruin of the Nation should not change the Situation of Affairs so that One could not receive regular Remittances from England: and if Piozzi should not pick him up a Wife, and fix his abode in this Country—If therefore & If, & If & If again— All should conspire to keep my present Resolution warm; I certainly would at the close of the four Years from the Sale of the Southwark Estate, set out for Italy with my two or three eldest Girls; and see what the World could shew me. I am now provided with an Italian Friend who would manage my Money Matters, facilitate my Continental amusements, & be faithful to my Interest: I would make it worth his while, & we should live happily together.

    Note Oct 1782 
    Hester left Streatham Park for her Brighton home and Samuel Johnson followed her. After an argument with her eldest daughter Hester Maria Thrale, she returned to London and resolved to give up Piozzi. 
    Note 20 September 1782 - 1 October 1782  Streatham Park, Streatham, Surrey, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Hester wrote of her dilemma as to whether she should marry Piozzi …

    Now! that little dear discerning Creature Fanny Burney says I’m in love with Piozzi—very likely! he is so amiable, so honourable, so much above his Situation by his Abilities, that if:

    Fate had’nt fast bound her
    With Styx nine Times round her
    Sure Musick & Love were victorious

    but if he is ever so worthy, ever so lovely, he is below me forsooth: in what is he below me? in Virtue—I would I were above him; in Understanding—I would mine were from this Instant under the Guardianship of his:—in Birth—to be sure he is below me in birth, & so is almost every Man I know, or have a Chance to know;—but he is below me in Fortune—is mine sufficient for us both? more than amply so. does he deserve it by his Conduct in which he has always united warm notions of Honour, with cool attention to Œconomy; the Spirit of a Gentleman with the Talents of a Professor? how shall any Man deserve Fortune if he does not? but I am the Guardian of five Daughters by Mr Thrale, and must not disgrace their Name & Family—Was then the Man my Mother chose for me[^6] of higher Extraction than him I have chosen for myself? No.—but his Fortune was higher—I wanted Fortune _then_perhaps, do I want it now? Not at all. but I am not to think about myself, I married the first Time to please my Mother, I must marry the second Time to please my Daughter—I have always sacrificed my own Choice to that of others, so I must sacrifice it again:—but why?

    Oh because I am a Woman of superior Understanding, & must not for the World degrade my self from my Situation in Life. but if I have superior Understanding, let me at least make use of it for once; & rise to the Rank of a human Being conscious of its own power to discern Good from ill—the person who has uniformly acted by the Will of others, has hardly that Dignity to boast, but once again I am Guardian to five Girls; agreed—will this Connection prejudice their Bodies, Souls, or Purse? my Marriage may assist my Health, but I suppose it will not injure theirs:—will his Company or Companions corrupt their Morals; God forbid, if I did not believe him one of the best of our Fellow Beings I would reject him instantly. Can it injure their Fortunes? and could he impoverish (if he would) five Women to whom their Father left 20,000£ each—independent almost of Possibilities?

    To what then am I Guardian? to their Pride and Prejudice? & is anything else affected by the Alliance?

    Now for more solid Objections. Is not the Man of whom I desire Protection a Foreigner? unskilled in the Laws and Language of our Country certainly. Is he not as the French say Arbitre de mon sort? & from the Hour he possesses my person & Fortune have I any power of decision how or where I may continue or end my Life? Is not the man upon the Continuance of whose Affection my whole Happiness depends—younger than myself,& is it wise to place one’s Happiness on the Continuance of any Man’ Affection?—would it not be painful to owe his appearance of Regard more to his Honour than his Love? & is not my Person already faded, likelier to fade soon than his? on the other hand is his Life a good. one? & would it not be Lunacy even to risque the Wretchedness of losing all Situation in the World for the sake of living with a Man one loves, and then to lose both Companion & Consolation. When I lost Mr Thrale, every one was officious to comfort & to soothe me: but which of my Children or quondam friends would look with Kindness upon Piozzi’s Widow? if I bring Children by him must they not be Catholicks, & must not I live among People, the ritual part of whose Religion I disapprove?

    These are my Objections, these my Fears: not those of being censured by the World as it is called—a Composition of Vice & Folly. though ’tis surely no good Joke to be talked of by each affected She that tells my Story and blesses her good Stars that She was prudent.

    These Objections would increase in Strength too, if my present State was a happy one. but it really is not: I live a quiet Life but not a pleasant one: My Children govern without loving me, my Servants devour & despise me, my Friends caress and censure me, my Money wastes in Expences I do not enjoy, and my Time in Trifles I do not approve, every one is made Insolent, & no one Comfortable, my Reputation unprotected, my Heart unsatisfied, my Health unsettled.

    I will however resolve on nothing, I will take a Voyage to to the Continent in Spring; enlarge my Knowledge, & repose my Purse: Change of Place may turn the Course of these Ideas, and external Objects supply the room of internal Felicity. If he follows me, I may reject or receive at Pleasure the Addresses of a Man who follows on no explicit Promise, nor much probability of Success, for I would really wish to marry no more without the Consent of my Children, (such I mean as are qualified to give their Opinions:) & how should Miss Thrale approve of my marrying Mr Piozzi? here then I rest, & will torment my Mind no longer, but commit myself as he advises to the Hand of Providence, & all will end all ’ottima Perfezzione[^8], & if I am blest with obtaining the Man—the only Man I could have loved, I verily believe it will be only because the Almighty will not leave such Virtue as his—unrewarded.

    Note Jan 1783  Bath, Somerset, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Hester told Piozzi that they must part. Hester retired to her home in Bath. 
    Note 8 May 1783 
    Piozzi left for Italy. 
    Note Jun 1784 
    Her daughters, on seeing that Hester’s health was affected, consented to the recall of Piozzi from Italy. 
    Note 2 Jul 1784 
    Hester wrote in Thraliana

    The happiest Day of my whole Life I think - Yes, quite the happiest; my Piozzi came home Yesterday & dined with me: but my Spirits were too much agitated, my Heart too much dilated, I was too painfully happy then, my Sensations are more quiet to day, & my Felicity less tumultuous. I have spent the Night as I ought in Prayer & Than[k]sgiving—Could I have slept I had not deserved such Blessings. May the Almighty but preserve them to me! He lodges at our old House on the 14 South Parade: his Companion Mecci is a faithless treacherous Fellow—but no matter! Tis all over now.

    Marriage 23 Jul 1784 
    Type: Catholic ceremony 
    Agency: Spanish or French embassy chapel 
    Alt. Marriage 25 Jul 1784  Bath, Somerset, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Church of England ceremony. 
    Note 25 Jul 1784  Bath, Somerset, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Hester wrote in Thraliana

    I am returned from church the happy wife of my lovely, my faithful Piozzi:— Subject of my Prayers, Object of my Wishes, my Sighs, my Reverence, my Esteem. His nerves have been horribly shaken; but he lives, he loves me and will be mine for ever. He has sworne it in the Face. of God & the whole Xstian Church: Catholicks, Protestants, all are Witnesses: may he who has preserved us thus long for each other give us a long Life together & so I hope & trust he will thro’ the Merits of Jesus Christ Amen.

    Note Aug 1784 
    Following the wedding, Hester was cut off by most friends and relations, except the late Henry’s dearest friend Arthur Murphy. To marry a foreigner and a Roman Catholic was unacceptable in society at that time. Queeney (aged 20) refused to recognise her mother's second husband, and shut herself up in a house at Brighton with a nurse, 'Tib' or 'Tibson'. The two younger sisters, who were at school, lived afterwards with Queeney. 
    Note 4 Sep 1784  Italy Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Hester and Gabriel left for Italy where they spent the winters in Milan and the summers in Florence. Only their youngest daughter, Cecilia Margaretta travelled with them to Italy, where Hester made friends with Robert Merry (1755-1798) and contributed to the Florence Miscellany
    Residence 1785  Bristol, Gloucestershire, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    After moving out of their Hanover Square house, Hester Piozzi and her husband Gabriel Piozzi moved to Bristol, in 1785. They resided in a house on St. Michael's Hill, overlooking the city and the River Avon. 
    Residence Mar 1787  Hanover Square, Middlesex, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    After their return from Italy in March 1787 Hester and Gabriel Piozzi briefly rented Hanover Square House in fashionable Hanover Square, London. 
    Residence Apr 1787  Lower Grosvenor Square, Middlesex, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    30 Lower Grosvenor Square 
    Residence 1782 - Apr 1790  Streatham Park, Streatham, Surrey, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Note 28 Jul 1790  Streatham Park, Streatham, Surrey, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Hester and Gabriel Piozzi's seventh anniversary party
    Hester and Gabriel Piozzi's seventh anniversary party
    At Streatham Park on 28 July 1790
    Residence 1795  Brynbella, Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Wales Find all individuals with events at this location 
    They took up residence at Brynbella - a country mansion they built in North Wales on Hester’s Bach-y-Graig estate. They spent most winters in Bath. 
    Note 25 Jul 1803  Brynbella, Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Wales Find all individuals with events at this location 
    Hester wrote in Thraliana of her wedding anniversary with Piozzi.

    Accept my Love this honest Lay
    Upon your Twentieth Wedding Day
    I little hop'd our Lives would stay
    To hail the Twentieth Wedding Day.

    If you're grown Gouty — I grown Gray
    Upon our Twentieth Wedding day—
    Tis no great Wonder;—Friends must say
    ““Why tis their Twentieth Wedding Day.””

    Perhaps there's few feel less Decay
    Upon a Twentieth Wedding day:
    And many of those who used to pay
    Their Court upon our Wedding Day,

    Have melted off, and died away
    Before our Twentieth Wedding Day.
    Those Places too, which once so gay,
    Bore Witness to our Wedding Day;

    Florence and Milan blythe as May
    Marauding French have made their Prey.†
    The World itself’s in no good Way,
    On this our Twentieth Wedding Day.

    If then—of Gratitude one Ray
    Illuminates our Wedding Day,
    Think midst the Wars and wild Affray
    That rage around this Wedding day,

    What Mercy 'tis—we are spar'd to say
    We have seen our Twentieth Wedding-day.

    † The French Revolution was takening place when this poem was written. 
    Residence Apr 1809  Brynbella, Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Wales Find all individuals with events at this location 
    After Piozzi's death, Hester and her adopted son, John, remained at Brynbella for five more years until he married Harriet Maria Pemberton of Ryton Grove Shropshire on 7 November 1814. Hester then left John the whole of her Welsh estate, and she retired to Bath, where she took temporary lodgings in New King Street, before taking permanent residence at 8 Gay Street, Bath. 
    Residence 1795 - 1828  Streatham Park, Streatham, Surrey, England Find all individuals with events at this location 
    • The adoption of Sir John Salusbury Piozzi Salusbury aged 5 (1798) was precipitated by being driven from his home by Napoleon's invasion of Italian Milanese territory (mid-1796). After adoption, on seeing sheep heads at a market in England, the child retold how he saw a basket of human heads in Bresica, France.
    +1. Sir John Salusbury Piozzi SALUSBURY,   b. 9 Sep 1793   d. 18 Dec 1858, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, England Find all individuals with events at this location (Age 65 years)  [Father: Adopted]  [Mother: Adopted]
     2. (miscarried daughter) PIOZZI,   b. 7 Jan 1788   d. Yes, date unknown
    20 Sion Hill, Bristol
    20 Sion Hill, Bristol
    Family ID F52  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart
    Last Modified 13 Jul 2024 

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsNote - Hester wrote of her dilemma as to whether she should marry Piozzi …

    Now! that little dear discerning Creature Fanny Burney says I’m in love with Piozzi—very likely! he is so amiable, so honourable, so much above his Situation by his Abilities, that if:

    Fate had’nt fast bound her
    With Styx nine Times round her
    Sure Musick & Love were victorious

    but if he is ever so worthy, ever so lovely, he is below me forsooth: in what is he below me? in Virtue—I would I were above him; in Understanding—I would mine were from this Instant under the Guardianship of his:—in Birth—to be sure he is below me in birth, & so is almost every Man I know, or have a Chance to know;—but he is below me in Fortune—is mine sufficient for us both? more than amply so. does he deserve it by his Conduct in which he has always united warm notions of Honour, with cool attention to Œconomy; the Spirit of a Gentleman with the Talents of a Professor? how shall any Man deserve Fortune if he does not? but I am the Guardian of five Daughters by Mr Thrale, and must not disgrace their Name & Family—Was then the Man my Mother chose for me[^6] of higher Extraction than him I have chosen for myself? No.—but his Fortune was higher—I wanted Fortune _then_perhaps, do I want it now? Not at all. but I am not to think about myself, I married the first Time to please my Mother, I must marry the second Time to please my Daughter—I have always sacrificed my own Choice to that of others, so I must sacrifice it again:—but why?

    Oh because I am a Woman of superior Understanding, & must not for the World degrade my self from my Situation in Life. but if I have superior Understanding, let me at least make use of it for once; & rise to the Rank of a human Being conscious of its own power to discern Good from ill—the person who has uniformly acted by the Will of others, has hardly that Dignity to boast, but once again I am Guardian to five Girls; agreed—will this Connection prejudice their Bodies, Souls, or Purse? my Marriage may assist my Health, but I suppose it will not injure theirs:—will his Company or Companions corrupt their Morals; God forbid, if I did not believe him one of the best of our Fellow Beings I would reject him instantly. Can it injure their Fortunes? and could he impoverish (if he would) five Women to whom their Father left 20,000£ each—independent almost of Possibilities?

    To what then am I Guardian? to their Pride and Prejudice? & is anything else affected by the Alliance?

    Now for more solid Objections. Is not the Man of whom I desire Protection a Foreigner? unskilled in the Laws and Language of our Country certainly. Is he not as the French say Arbitre de mon sort? & from the Hour he possesses my person & Fortune have I any power of decision how or where I may continue or end my Life? Is not the man upon the Continuance of whose Affection my whole Happiness depends—younger than myself,& is it wise to place one’s Happiness on the Continuance of any Man’ Affection?—would it not be painful to owe his appearance of Regard more to his Honour than his Love? & is not my Person already faded, likelier to fade soon than his? on the other hand is his Life a good. one? & would it not be Lunacy even to risque the Wretchedness of losing all Situation in the World for the sake of living with a Man one loves, and then to lose both Companion & Consolation. When I lost Mr Thrale, every one was officious to comfort & to soothe me: but which of my Children or quondam friends would look with Kindness upon Piozzi’s Widow? if I bring Children by him must they not be Catholicks, & must not I live among People, the ritual part of whose Religion I disapprove?

    These are my Objections, these my Fears: not those of being censured by the World as it is called—a Composition of Vice & Folly. though ’tis surely no good Joke to be talked of by each affected She that tells my Story and blesses her good Stars that She was prudent.

    These Objections would increase in Strength too, if my present State was a happy one. but it really is not: I live a quiet Life but not a pleasant one: My Children govern without loving me, my Servants devour & despise me, my Friends caress and censure me, my Money wastes in Expences I do not enjoy, and my Time in Trifles I do not approve, every one is made Insolent, & no one Comfortable, my Reputation unprotected, my Heart unsatisfied, my Health unsettled.

    I will however resolve on nothing, I will take a Voyage to to the Continent in Spring; enlarge my Knowledge, & repose my Purse: Change of Place may turn the Course of these Ideas, and external Objects supply the room of internal Felicity. If he follows me, I may reject or receive at Pleasure the Addresses of a Man who follows on no explicit Promise, nor much probability of Success, for I would really wish to marry no more without the Consent of my Children, (such I mean as are qualified to give their Opinions:) & how should Miss Thrale approve of my marrying Mr Piozzi? here then I rest, & will torment my Mind no longer, but commit myself as he advises to the Hand of Providence, & all will end all ’ottima Perfezzione[^8], & if I am blest with obtaining the Man—the only Man I could have loved, I verily believe it will be only because the Almighty will not leave such Virtue as his—unrewarded.

    - 20 September 1782 - 1 October 1782 - Streatham Park, Streatham, Surrey, England
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsNote - Hester told Piozzi that they must part. Hester retired to her home in Bath. - Jan 1783 - Bath, Somerset, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsAlt. Marriage - Church of England ceremony. - 25 Jul 1784 - Bath, Somerset, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsNote - Hester wrote in Thraliana

    I am returned from church the happy wife of my lovely, my faithful Piozzi:— Subject of my Prayers, Object of my Wishes, my Sighs, my Reverence, my Esteem. His nerves have been horribly shaken; but he lives, he loves me and will be mine for ever. He has sworne it in the Face. of God & the whole Xstian Church: Catholicks, Protestants, all are Witnesses: may he who has preserved us thus long for each other give us a long Life together & so I hope & trust he will thro’ the Merits of Jesus Christ Amen.

    - 25 Jul 1784 - Bath, Somerset, England
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - After moving out of their Hanover Square house, Hester Piozzi and her husband Gabriel Piozzi moved to Bristol, in 1785. They resided in a house on St. Michael's Hill, overlooking the city and the River Avon. - 1785 - Bristol, Gloucestershire, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - After their return from Italy in March 1787 Hester and Gabriel Piozzi briefly rented Hanover Square House in fashionable Hanover Square, London. - Mar 1787 - Hanover Square, Middlesex, England Link to Google Earth
     Residence - Address:
    30 Lower Grosvenor Square - Apr 1787 - Lower Grosvenor Square, Middlesex, England
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 1782 - Apr 1790 - Streatham Park, Streatham, Surrey, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsNote - 28 Jul 1790 - Streatham Park, Streatham, Surrey, England Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - They took up residence at Brynbella - a country mansion they built in North Wales on Hester’s Bach-y-Graig estate. They spent most winters in Bath. - 1795 - Brynbella, Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Wales Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsNote - Hester wrote in Thraliana of her wedding anniversary with Piozzi.

    Accept my Love this honest Lay
    Upon your Twentieth Wedding Day
    I little hop'd our Lives would stay
    To hail the Twentieth Wedding Day.

    If you're grown Gouty — I grown Gray
    Upon our Twentieth Wedding day—
    Tis no great Wonder;—Friends must say
    ““Why tis their Twentieth Wedding Day.””

    Perhaps there's few feel less Decay
    Upon a Twentieth Wedding day:
    And many of those who used to pay
    Their Court upon our Wedding Day,

    Have melted off, and died away
    Before our Twentieth Wedding Day.
    Those Places too, which once so gay,
    Bore Witness to our Wedding Day;

    Florence and Milan blythe as May
    Marauding French have made their Prey.†
    The World itself’s in no good Way,
    On this our Twentieth Wedding Day.

    If then—of Gratitude one Ray
    Illuminates our Wedding Day,
    Think midst the Wars and wild Affray
    That rage around this Wedding day,
    What Mercy 'tis—we are spar'd to say
    We have seen our Twentieth Wedding-day.

    † The French Revolution was takening place when this poem was written. - 25 Jul 1803 - Brynbella, Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Wales
    Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDeath - Cause: Gout, exacerbated by rheumatism. - 26 Mar 1809 - Brynbella, Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Wales Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsBurial - - Bach-y-Craig, Denbighshire, Wales Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - After Piozzi's death, Hester and her adopted son, John, remained at Brynbella for five more years until he married Harriet Maria Pemberton of Ryton Grove Shropshire on 7 November 1814. Hester then left John the whole of her Welsh estate, and she retired to Bath, where she took temporary lodgings in New King Street, before taking permanent residence at 8 Gay Street, Bath. - Apr 1809 - Brynbella, Tremeirchion, Flintshire, Wales Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsResidence - 1795 - 1828 - Streatham Park, Streatham, Surrey, England Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Photos
    Gabriel Piozzi by unknown artist
    Gabriel Piozzi by unknown artist

    Hester Piozzi's London residences (1804).
    Hester Piozzi's London residences (1804).
    Written by Hester Piozzi on 25 June 1804.

    BBC TV Arena: According to Beryl (2001).
    BBC TV Arena: According to Beryl (2001).
    On 6 October 2001, BBC Television broadcast 'According to Beryl'. Their hour-long account of the family arrangement enjoyed by Samuel Johnson and the Thrale family of Streatham seen through the eyes of Beryl Bainbridge, author of the book on the same subject, According to Queeney.
    We also have an account of the Bery Bainbridge book According to Queeney, upon which this TV programme about Queeney, Johnson and the Thrale family is based.

  • Sources 
    1. [S40] Editor: Katherine C Balderston, Thraliana, (Oxford University Press 1951), p545, note 1.